Genesis, Genesis, Jesus …

Genesis, Genesis, Jesus …

Date: 1989
Dimensions: L2700mm x W1230mm x H 2000mm
Media: Leadwood, thatching grass, metal

We are all haunted by the innate contradictions which exist within ourselves, striving to balance light against dark, force against gentleness, rest with action… Our past inhabits our present and our future is held hostage to memory. There is no way of escaping our innate brutality. I find this persistently tragic. The tragedy of the intersection of past and present is an appropriate metaphor which creates the sobering context for the future. There is always the formidable threat that this synergy is beyond our personal determination. Our ability to imagine that our notions of balance are equally as informed by disorder as our notions of beauty, are constantly afflicted by our obsession with the grotesque.